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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM Repeat  ABC  January 19, 2013 1:05am-1:40am PST

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he must have known his on-line girlfriend was a fake and their tragic romance didn't happen. tonight he insists he was duped saying when they hear the facts, they'll know there was no way i could be part of this. the latest on good morning america. you have a great weekend.
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it is happening tonight. 49er wide receiver michael crabtree arriving in atlanta for the nfc championship game as police announce he is under investigation. good evening, everyone. i'm carolyn johnson. >> i'm dan ashley.
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tonight san francisco police are investigating an allegation of sexual assault involving crabtree. police say the incident happened last sunday morning in a san francisco hotel. he has not been detained or arrested. crabtree is said to be cooperating with police. he joined the team on the trip to atlanta for sunday's nfc championship game, and that's where abc7 news sports reporter mike shumann is live tonight. shu, what bad timing for this bombshell. >> well, dan, there is never good timing for a situation like this. the 49ers arrived 11:15 eastern standard time at the ritz carlton in downtown atlanta. crabtree was on the first bus. he was in the second row. he stood up and then sat back down as about 10 or 15 other players and 49er personnel got off the bus almost trying to distract us. they were trying to make it tough for us to shoot anybody getting off the bus. and then michael walked off the bus. you can see he was escorted by a personnel security man in the red baseball cap. he was there for two to three
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seconds and then he was gone. i have to believe a lot of his teammates didn't even know about this situation due to the timing of the statement put out by general manager trent balky. the statement read like this, "we are aware of the allegations against michael and understand that he has fully cooperated with authorities. the 49ers take such matters seriously." now the one person i think would be upset would be head coach jim harbaugh. first of all the alleged behavior of michael and of course the timing of this is like i said before, there is never good timing in a situation like this. now i don't think it will be a distraction. i'm sure jim harbaugh met with the team and they put this to bed the next two days and would not be talked about. the one person that could be distracted was michael crabtree. he has let his team down, the owner down and the coaching staff. he will be o watch in the coaching championship game against the falcons. as i mentioned, horrible timing, but never good timing
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in a situation like this. the 49ers are here to do one thing and that's play the falcons in the nfc championship game on sunday. reporting live in atlanta, mike shu man, -- mike shumann. >> fans are shocked to hear of the investigation. he is cooperating. abc7 news reporter sergio quintana is live for us. sergio? >> as you know, in nearly all sexual assault investigations, detectives are rarely able to released many details. tonight san francisco police are basically only confirming some of the most basic information in this case. san francisco police say this alleged sexual assault happened just hours after last saturday's match up against the green bay packers. police say it happened at a hotel in san francisco. >> it is a special victims unit. michael crabtree has been interviewed with his lawyer and is cooperative regarding
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investigation. >> police are still putting together details in this investigation and are yet to determine if they will hand the case over to the district attorney. for fans who are gearing up for a sunday showdown in atlanta, this allegation is surprising. >> obviously it is news to me at this point. so it is a bit of a shock. >> i don't understand why these guys who have it so good are such big in the news right now, why they would do something, why he would do something that could potentially hurt not only himself and his family, but his team. >> as a fan i am going to -- rig fake. fake. >> this evening we have made efforts to contact michael crabtree and his representatives. all of our phone calls and e-mails that we have made in those efforts have not yet been returned. reporting live in san francisco, abc7 news. >> thank you, sergio. we will have more on this story ahead in sports. you can always get updates at and on twitter at
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abc7 news bay area. while the 49ers take on the falcons, another major sporting event will be happening here so the west coast, literally on the coast. the mavericks surfing contest is on, but that also means danger for beachgoers. a high surf advisory is in affect. alan wang is live in pacifica tonight. the coast guard is issuing a warning for anyone near the shoreline. >> dan, we are over looking the rocks and they are telling everybody to avoid the low-lying areas and rocks because they are afraid people will be lured too close to the water. as the sunset on ocean beach in san francisco tonight, surfers talked about the big waves and sunny skies expected this weekend. >> and that's why -- what is so dangerous about this weekend. it is supposed to be really nice. people are going to want to go in the water and enjoy the day. >> authorities are warning people to be careful of strong
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rip tides and sneaker waves, waves that literally sneak up on you. >> i was out here when the sneaker waves claimed the lives of two or three people in one day. >> i get out there and it is scary and powerful. never turn your back on the ocean. >> the temperatures can make it hard for even the strongest swimmers to escape the current of a rip tide. >> a good surfer died last year. >> he died at the same place where the mavericks surf competition is being held this sunday. in 2010 about 40 spectators were injured there after a rogue wave swept the crowd off the rocks. a sneaker wave is responsible for the death of a man who dr point point reyes trying to rescue his dog. >> we don't go far into the water. honestly though if it were warmer, i don't know. >> that is exactly what authorities are worried about. it is good to repeat the warning you heard in our
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story, never turn your back on the ocean. reporting live in pacifica, alan wang, abc7 news. >> alan, thank you. 24 surfers from around the world will compete in the maverick's invitational. the surf was mild, but by sunday the waves will be 30 feet and up and intense. >> it will put these guys on their edge. they will have to bring an edge to surf these waves. >> tens of thousands are expected, but beaches and cliffs will be closed and parking very restricted. in nearby princeton by the sea some businesses plan to of oner live video feed of the event. have coverage we will have coverage of the surfing competition on sunday starting at 5:00. abc7 news meteorologist sandhya patel is here with more on the high surf and the live doppler 7hd.ndy? sandy? >> we will talk about the swells packing high energy. that's why there is a big concern here. right now on live doppler 7hd
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there are a few high clouds moving through. here is the storm out by the uh lieu sheens. that's generating the large swells and the big waves are expected this weekend. you might be tempted to head out to the beach and check out the competition or just to check out the waves. just bef the fact that we are expecting dangerous sneaker waves along the stay ba coastline. stay back from the water's edge. avoid slippery rocks. beach hazards in affect until saturday morning. it becomes a high surf advisory saturday 10:00 a.m. to sunday 4:00 p.m. the swells are expected to build up to 20 feet. watch out for the large breaking waves and the strong rip currents. i will be back with a look at your holiday weekend forecast to let you know exactly what the weather will look like. rain will be coming back in my forecast. >> thank you. san francisco police want to know what lead to the death of a pedestrian south of market. the scenewe first showee at seventh and howard streets on abc news at 6:00. two vehicles hit the victim around 5:45. both drivers did remain at the
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scene and they are cooperating with investigators. tension erupted outside a court hearing for a handyman accused of murder in a case of vigilante justice. prosecutors say this man, rick car doughdez -- ricardo hernandez, had no right to use deadly force. they say he killed christophern soriano on new year's eve. christopher's family called him a hero.. one of soriano relatives scuffled with hernandez. hernandez's family blames his employer for not ploy proiing enough -- not providing enough security. >> had they been pro active this never would have happened. he had an illegal gun and killed a man, a father of five children. >> hernandez's family has launched an on-line petition calling to free him from jail and to raise money for his defense. he will return to court next month. abc7 news has confirmed that san francisco sheriff and his wife are being sued for
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defamation of character. the lawsuit stems from his domestic violence incident on new year's eve 2011. the sheriff's wife allowed her neighbor, ivory madison, allowed her to tape her bruised arm. she called police which lead to the shear riff's arrest and suspension. the sheriff pled guilty to false imprisonment and was reinstated. during the deal they harshly criticized madison for contacting police. the sheriff's department is on the lookout for a teenage girl who has not been seen since early yesterday morning. 13-year-old delicia moreno is an 8th grader and didn't show up for class yesterday. she believes she left with her boyfriend 23-year-old rueben palanco. he contacted her in the past and is a friend of the family. gite big sunday in -- >> the big sunday in atlanta. we'll tell you the best place for a colin kaepernick citing
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and what is next on her plate. >> and then on "jimmy kimmle live." >> kids teachers and me the difference between boys and girls and science brought some reverse helium balloons that do this. luke, i am your father. >> is that for real? >> i don't know. it is funny. >> "jimmy kimmle live" is
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if you are hoping to be decked out in 49er apparel for sunday's big game and you don't have any yet, you better get on it. there is a run on all things niners. we caught up with the team as they were leaving for atlanta today. ama dates is live for us in the south bay. ama? >> yes, carolyn. 49ers fever has swept the bay area. somebody walked behind me and said kae, kaepernick. while the team is in atlanta, the fans are with them in spirit. as the 49ers prepare to take on the falcons in atlanta, fans at the sports authority are buying up the team apparel. >> i got lucky with the kaepernick jersey i got that was the right size and it was the last one. >> he needed to wear it to the
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house party he is going to with friends. others will catch the game in places like pedro's tavern in san pedro. >> we have been getting calls sunday and even sunday evening. they want reservations and we don't take reservations. first come, first come. >> colin kaepernick said he was eating a lot of 5 guys lately. we went to 5 guys where the general manager says kaepernick comes in almost every day. >> he always gets a large cajun fry with extra cajun on it. he is taken care of. >> if this talk doesn't get pumped up for the game maybe this will do it. throw your hands up -- "throw your hands up" is by the cantu clan. he is the singer of the band malo. >> one day i heard this particular beat and i said man that's a great beat, can i as use it? he said absolutely.
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i came -- it took me a day and then came up with the lyrics to "throw your hands up." >> he would love to sing it at the super bowl. and hopefully we will be throwing our hands up on sunday in celebration of the 49ers going to the super bowl. we are hoping. lots of people are out getting ready and are excited about the 49ers and i'm sure a lot of people will be watching the game at some of the establishments behind me. ama da news. abc news. >> good fun. you can catch abc7 news sports reporter mike shumann's reports from atlanta all weekend. exciting time to watch the 49ers on sunday. >> it is. and it will be beautiful weather at home. >> it will, and meteorologist sandhya patel is here with the forecast for the weekend. hi, sandhya. >> hi, dan and carolyn. you will want to take your plans outside and check out the beautiful weather we have coming for you. if you thought today was nice, wait until the weekend. here is a look at live doppler 7hd right now. we have high clouds moving overhead, but no now. our radar along with the monterey national radar
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service in the santa cruz mountains could be tracking rain as early as wednesday. right now it is watching for what is going on just off our coastline. just checking out some of the by by -- boues. the waves are expected to build and watch out for the dangerous sneaker waves and the high surf on sunday. of course with the temperature of 52 off the coast you can see why. some of the coast allocations like san francisco is pretty mild right now. 52 degrees. most other areas, the 30s and 40s and it is 34 in napa. it is getting cold in fairfield as well. down to 34 degrees. here are the highlights, ruer of surf this weekend -- rough surf this weekend. mild afternoons into next week. we are expecting the temperatures to continue to remain above normal early next week. tomorrow morning you will want to dress in layers if you have early plans. it is going to be cold. temperatures bottoming out.
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down to 30 in napa and 32 for you in concord and 30s and 40s across the rest of the bay area. spare the air for your saturday, it is the fourth consecutive season andh of the season and poor air quality in the north bay and coast and central bay. moderate air quality across the rest of the bay area. the reason for the spare the air we have this high pressure up overhead. and that is keeping the air pretty stagnant. it is providing us with the nice weather and the strong ridge holds right on through tuesday which means we are looking at the potential for the poor air quality to continue beyond your saturday as well. high temperatures for your saturday will look like this, 66 degrees in san jose. 67 saratoga. near 70 in los gatos. 65 sunnyvale. hazy sunshine on the peninsula. 67 mountain view. 60 menlo park and right along the coast, half moon bay, 66 degrees. beautiful day in downtown san francisco. 65 degrees gets you up into the north bay here. and you will be near 70.
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ukiah, santa rosa, 66 calistoga and head out toward the east bay and the temperatures are running a little milder than where you should be. 606 in oakland and hercules and san leandro. inland communities, you will start out cold, buttoned up mild. nice recovery. walnut creek livermore 64 around the monterey bay. 70 in santa cruz, 68 in morgan hill. here is a look at your accu-weather seven-day forecast, mild pattern through the weekend, but just remember the long-period swells are packing a lot of energy. they are powerful. watch out, stay away from the coast and don't get too close. a little cooler early next week and then by wednesday we are bringing in a chance of rain. the computer models are ramping up the possibility. a slight chance of rain on friday. of course by then it is a reality check, carolyn and dan. cooler weather coming back. >> what a nice looking weekend. larry beil is off and colin rush is here. >> we are following the breaking 49er story. >> you hope it is not a
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massive distraction that takes away from the game on sunday. this isn't the news the 49ers wanted to be making less than 37 hours from kickoff of the nfc championship game. star wide receiver michael crabtree under investigation. the allegations and the team's response. that's next in sports.
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mom, pop it. ♪ two inches apart, becky. two inches. t-minus nine minutes. [ ding ] [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls. let the making begin. ♪ faster than mandy can hang up on mr. monday. you hang up first. [ female announcer ] in just 60 seconds, you've got snack-defying, satisfying totino's pizza rolls. [ ringing ] it's on. let's roll.
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of the newscast, michael crabtree is being investigated for an alleged sexual assault sunday morning in the san francisco hotel. important to note crab -- crabtree was not detained nor arrested and he said she available to investigators in the future. but there is a positive. from a team standpoint it is the timing of the news. crabtree and the team arrived in atlanta late tonight. there is no media ago tess tomorrow.ess tomor access tomorrow. the 49ers take such matters very seriously. it also helps to have a head coach with a narrow focus. that would be jim harbaugh. when it comes to the task at hand there is no distracting him. harbaugh has the niners right where he wanted them when the season began in the same position as last year. one game from the super bowl.
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>> like our focus and concentration to be the highest it has been. i would like guys to go out and play the best game they have ever played here. i mean that's the hope, that's the expectation. >> it sure is. the niners defense will have a tough task of stoping tony gonzalez. he is 36 years old. man, but he is still playing like a college kid. >> when you watch the old kung fu movies and you see the guy with the long beard, the toughest fighter is not usually the young by but the old guy who has been around for awhile. i figure i am like that. you see everything, you see every coverage. you know the angle a guy is coming to get you. i am out there doing my thing. >> the age less wonder, tony gonzalez. itthe last time the warriors won i was taking a math media law and ethics test. yes i was ini do not remember t. i do not remember the grade.
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probably an "a." the first quarter and pick and roll precision. the splitter with the finish and the warriors lead by 10 in the first. gary neil closes the gap and gets a three at the buzzer and move to the third quarter. david lee with the two handed flush. he had 22 and he started in place of curry once again. show right, go left. 20 points and 10 assists for jack. too much of the big fundamental. two of his 24. and tony parker doing what he does best and flashing and scoring. 28 straight losses in san antonio. the hoops are welcome and number six stanford hosting ucla. the 42nd career double-double and 25 points and 13 rebounds and cardinals 75-49. this abc7 sports report is
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brought to you by river rock casino. >> and we will continue to see more of this weekend on what happens with the crabtree situation. the legal process is most importantly, and then secondly how does it affect the game? >> because i think there is no access to these guys tomorrow at least that will keep the lid on it a little bit and keep the focus there on the game at least through the weekend. well, the bay area's faithful 49er fans are still sending us their pictures. look at this little guy suited in uniform and ready for sunday's game. he knows the niners are number one. >> and the phrase on these fans' t-shirts says it all, who's got it better than -- whose got it better than us? us and way will post them at and show many of them on the air. coming up here next, apple tries to add a little
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hear is -- here is a look at your wake up weather. it is chilly and bundle up. rough surf is expected.
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high surf advisories. mid30s to the upper 40s. lisa argen is here starting at 5:00 a.m. carolyn, dan? >> thanks. apple's witty voice activated siri is getting a new voice sort of. >> they posted a job for a siri writer of editor. they wanted somebody to refresh and refine the dialogue. >> somebody got the job because they listed it as no longer available. we'll see what they come up with. >> "jimmy kimmle live" has a sneak peek. >> he looks forward to president obama with his second term this weekend. >> the president will be sworn in by john roberts. they scr -- they have to do it on sunday. i have a feeling most people will be too focused on football and honey boo boo to watch any. >> "jimmy jimmy kimmle live" is next. >> abc news continues tomorrow morning at 5:00. >> go niners. have a great weekend. we appreci
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today on a special episode of live big with ali vincent. it's time to learn how to count your calories. we're in the kitchen with food rush chef ryan scott. it's like dancing in your mouth right? it really is and i've got a thirty day challenge that will kick you into high gear as we all kick you into high gear as we all live big together. ♪ welcome to a special edition of live big with ali vincent. today we're heading into the classroom for calorie counting 101. do you even know what a calorie is? calories are the energy that fuel our bodies. much like gasoline fuels cars. without enough calories our bodies will not function.


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